Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New York and Anime

If you guys have read my last post on my hopes in the world of Anime, I wrote about how I wanted an ANIME convention in New York. I want to rant about that a little more. I've gone to New York Comic Con three times. Every time I have gone, it's been more comic book than anime. An anime fan, like me, would be very disappointed. Again, this is not a jab at comic book lovers, I just wish that there was more anime involved. I mean they used to sell pocky, they got rid of that. There used to be a glomp squad, it went bye bye. The anime section of the convention floor is hidden in a tiny corner or something like that. The only thing that kept anime fans going to comic con was the masquerade. The masquerade was always a fun time. It's why I went only on Saturday. At the 2012 New York Comic Con in October, they got rid of the masquerade. WHAT. THE. HELL. I couldn't believe it. How could they get rid of it? It was the highlight of the convention. That always made me leave the convention like a had a very bad hangover or something because it was that awesome. I'm convinced New York has something against Japan or Anime or Fandoms in general. The changes and regulations they're doing is just rediculous. The first couple years of the convention were amazing. I don't understand why they took something so awesome and turned it into what it is now. As an anime fan and a member of many fandoms, I'm very pissed about what the convention has become. I bet other fans in New York are too. I think I got my point across. Let me know what you guys think. Voice of a Gamer signing out.

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