Sunday, February 17, 2013

Characters I hate part 2:Aizen

I originally, I was not gonna do Aizen, but then I saw last week's episode of Bleach. I felt like I need to rant about my hatred for him. Aizen is an asshole! He needs to die in a pit of fire in the deepest parts of hell. I mean seriously, how can he treat the arrancars like that. They followed him and believed in his leadership and what does he do, have them all killed. I mean seriously. I was truly pissed off when he killed Halibel. I thought she was cool. She really did believe in him and then he just turns around and kills her. I'm also mad about what he did to the vizards. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love the vizards with all of my heart. I think they are all awesome (especially Shinji). I don't like that they got their powers through the betrayal of Aizen. Another good example of Aizen being a huge ass is what he did to Momo. Momo was in love with him. She was going to follow him until the ends of the earth, and then he turns around and breaks her heart by faking his death and betraying the whole Soul Society. I can't wait to see Ichigo beat him into a pulp in the anime. He deserves it. He needs to SUFFER!!!  Ok, I think I'm done. I can't think of anything else to say about Aizen right now without calling him a bastard and an asshole fifty billion times. I truly do wonder how many people hate Aizen because I know there's a lot. Tell me what you think of Aizen. Voice of a Gamer signing out.

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