Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hitman Reborn: Haru Characters I hate part 3

Ok I just got finished watching Hitman Reborn. BEST. ANIME. EVER!! I mean seriously, it's no Nura Clan, but I would gladly become a member of the Vongola Family. I loved everyone in the show. Well... not everyone. There was one character that got on my nerves; Haru. She was just very annoying to me. She is the self-impossed wife of the protagonist in the show. In most of the show, she thinks she will be Tsuna's future wife when it's obvious that it will be Kyoko. Then she befriends the actual heroine of the show still thinking she'll be the future wife. Ugh, Haru just annoys me to no end. She pisses me off even more in the whole future arch. Warning: Spoiler ahead. This is around when Haru and Kyoko want to know what the guys are hiding from them. When Tsuna tells them everything, Haru is super shocked. This is what annoys me. In the FIRST SEASON when she was introduced, she knew that Tsuna and them were part of the Mafia. Even when they were spying on them, she spills the beans to Kyoko that they are mafia, yet she's still shocked that the boys are part of such a dangerous life style....yeah SHE'S AN IDIOT!!! She knew from the very beginning they were part of the mafia. This should not be shocking to her! Kyoko should be the only one that is clueless of what's going on, not Haru. Ugh, well just hope that the rumored squeal to Hitman Reborn is official and she's less annoying if she's in it. Voice of a Gamer signing out.

Had to put Primo in here. He's just so awesome XD 

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