Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!!!

HAPPY HALLOW'S EVE EVERYONE!! Yes, it's Halloween one of my favorite holidays!! The scares, the costumes, and most importantly THE CANDY!! I swear this is the best holiday ever besides Christmas and Thanksgiving. Anyway, as a little Halloween special I want to talk about the anime horror genre. Now as most otakus SHOULD know is that anime horror shows can be the goriest of the gore as well as scary as fuck. It could send shivers down anyone's spine. Give for example Elfin Lied.... Now I've only seen the first episode but I saw how the main character took off that one guards head... Let's just say I placed my hand around my neck after I saw that. There are also animes like Another is a ghost story anime about a classmate of yours that supposedly died a long time ago but still roams the school. It can get pretty creepy after awhile. Deadman Wonderland is another one. It has an awesome story, but I stopped watching because the story was pissing me off. Just because one kid is the only survivor in a class murder doesn't mean that he's the murderer dammit!! You also have your funny horror anime like Is That a Zombie? You have to admit that anime is more funny than scary. Now I know I should mention High School of the Dead is this list of awesome anime horror but....I never saw it. Too many people warned me not to read or watch it so I never did. I did see a little bit of Blood-C and I have to admit I sit on the edge of my seat in order to see what will happen next. And last but not least Future Diary. The only thing I can truly say about it is that YUNO IS FREAKING INSANE!! There are tones of horror anime out there that is pretty amazing and fun to watch...and by fun I mean get the crap scared right out of you. I think it's a great way to spend Halloween night. BUST OUT THE CANDY YOU GOT FROM TRICK OR TREATING AND START WATCHING HORROR ANIME TO CELEBRATE THIS WONDERFUL NIGHT!! IT ONLY COMES ONCE A YEAR XD!! I hope all you otakus out there have a wonderful Halloween. I wish you a frightening night.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Kill La Kill

Something tells me you guys were just waiting for me to write about this. It's been awhile since I wrote a blog post (curse you college) and I'm still in the midst of writing the next volg episode, so I'll entertain you guys and write about my feelings on Kill la Kill. Now, I know a lot of female anime fans don't like it, so I must say as a girl myself....that I love this anime. It is absolutely hilarious. Sure, a lot of it is pure fanservice, but you have to remember that the people who were behind Pant and Stocking were also behind this anime along with the people who made Gurren Lagann. I'm not surprised. Kill La Kill is a very enjoyable anime. Fans should also remember that this is Japan we're talking about. Japan, a very weird country (no offense to any Japanese people. I love Japan and hope to go there one day). Anyway, Kill La Kill is about a girl named Ryuko Matoi who is transferred to Honnouji Academy. She  is looking for the person who killed her father and the only clue she has is half a scissor blade. The school is run by a bunch of freaking Nazis-*clears throat* I mean a very tyrant like student council. They all wear these uniforms called Goku Uniforms that gives them super human abilities. Ryuko fights the student council in order to find her father's murder. See? This anime has a fantastic story line, it's just random....really REALLY random. This anime is very enjoyable and I recommend it to people who like Gurren Lagann, don't mind fan service, and watched Panty and Stocking because in all honesty, that's what this anime is. Gurren Lagann + Panty & Stocking= Kill la Kill. There you go. Enough said. This rant is over. Voice of a Gamer signing out.